Favorite Links:
This is a place where I link to some sites I like and for those that want to link with me!
If you would like to link with me, just e-mail me your web site URL and I will put you here if you place my URL www.mikemiller.20m.com on your links page. If you do let me know . Thanks!
Remember, if you came to this page first don't forget to head to my home page for a nice tour with Mike Miller. It is worth it and of course your family will like it too!
SCIway-the South Carolina Information HighwayThis is one of my favorite sites to look around at! It has all the information you want about everything in South Carolina.
Storyteller-Larry ThompsonYou have to visit this site! Larry Thompson is one of the best storytellers to come out of Texas in a long time. If you live in Texas, hire him! If you don't live in Texas, hire him anyway!
The Dialectizer!View my site as it would be seen by a redneck, jive, moron, Elmer Fudd and more! Learn to lighten up a little with this site. Just type in my URL: www.mikemiller.20m.com
www.kevinperkins.netA great place to network, self-promote, and get resources for all you entertainers out there! Great resources for talented people!